Goal 12 Recreation Programs

Goal HQL-12: Create development opportunities for, and support, both public and private recreation programs suited to the broad needs and interests of all Hayward residents.

Policies in this section support the coordinated effort of the City, Hayward Area Recreation and Park District (HARD), East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD), and school districts to provide for a variety of recreational activities at local and regional parks. Access to a broad range of recreational activities is important to improving public health through exercise and to improving quality of life for Hayward residents.

The City shall encourage the provision of recreational activities for all people, consistent with the changing demographic composition of Hayward.

City Master Plans, Strategies, and Programs (MPSP)

The City shall work with the school districts and HARD to examine the feasibility of implementing additional after school or summer child care and recreational activities.

Inter-governmental Coordination (IGC)Planning Studies and Reports (PSR)

The City shall encourage and/or promote cultural and ethnic programs and activities of local interest.

City Services and Operations (CSO)Inter-governmental Coordination (IGC)Joint Partnerships with the Private Sector (JP)

The City shall work with HARD and EBRPD to consider unique neighborhood needs in developing facilities and programs for indoor and outdoor activities.

City Services and Operations (CSO)Inter-governmental Coordination (IGC)

The City shall work with HARD and EBRPD to consider unique neighborhood needs in developing facilities and programs for indoor and outdoor activities.

City Services and Operations (CSO)Inter-governmental Coordination (IGC)

The City shall encourage incorporation of design features in new construction that can provide accessible venues and public spaces for community programs and activities.

Regulation and Development Review (RDR)

The City shall work with HUSD, HARD and EBRPD to establish cooperative agreements with school districts for the use of school facilities for City-, HARD-, and EBRPD-sponsored recreation programs.

Inter-governmental Coordination (IGC)

The City shall support HARD and EBRPD efforts to periodically survey community attitudes and preferences concerning recreational programs.

City Services and Operations (CSO)Inter-governmental Coordination (IGC)Public Information (PI)

The City shall strive to attract and retain privately owned recreation and entertainment facilities that help meet the entertainment needs of Hayward youth, adults, and seniors.

City Services and Operations (CSO)Inter-governmental Coordination (IGC)Public Information (PI)