ED-12 Customer Service Survey

The City shall develop and maintain a customer service survey to evaluate and identify opportunities to improve permit procedures and the customer service of the Development Services Department and Finance Department (business license permitting).  The survey will be sent to applicants after permits for the project are approved or denied. 

Responsible Department(s):
Development Services
Supporting Department(s)/Partner(s):
City Manager, Finance
Program Type(s):
City Master Plans, Strategies, and Programs (MPSP)
Implements These Policy(ies):
Funding Source(s):
General Fund
2014-2016, Ongoing

Program Status:
Not Started
In Progress

Surveys are regularly sent to customers and available at City Hall for an evaluation of the City’s customer service. Development Services and Permit Center surveys were released in Spring 2019 and will continue to solicit customer feedback on ways to improve and expand customer service delivery in response to the ongoing COVID pandemic.