H-11 Affordable Housing on Large Sites

The City shall facilitate the development of housing for lower-income households on large sites identified in the Sites Inventory by encouraging land divisions and specific plans resulting in parcels sizes that facilitate multifamily developments that include units affordable to lower income households in light of State, Federal and local financing  programs. The City shall provide incentives for the development of affordable housing, including but not limited to:

  • Priority to processing subdivision maps that include affordable housing units;
  • Expedited review for the subdivision of larger sites into buildable lots where the development application can be found consistent with the General Plan, applicable and master environmental impact report;
  • Financial assistance (based on availability of Federal, State, local foundations, and private housing funds); and
  • Modification of development requirements, such as reduced parking standards for seniors, assisted care, and special needs housing on a case-by-case basis.
Responsible Department(s):
Development Services
Program Type(s):
Regulation and Development Review (RDR), Financing and Budgeting (FB)
Implements These Policy(ies):
Funding Source(s):
General Fund
2015-2017, Ongoing

Program Status:
Not Started
In Progress

Affordable housing on large sites is encouraged through early discussions with residential developers who are referred to the City's inventory of vacant and underutilized residential and mixed-use sites that can accommodate the City's Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA). In 2016, the City of Hayward entered into a Purchase and Sale Agreement with the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to manage the disposition and development of former right of way for the now defunct Route 238 Bypass. This land is divided into 10 parcel groups and must be disposed of by 2022. In 2019, the City developed Master Plans for two of the remnant parcels, one of which (Parcel Group 6, approximately 30 acres) would include a diversity of housing types, sizes, and prices in that it would include a mix of townhomes and multi-family residential uses as well as student and faculty housing to serve the nearby Cal State East Bay campus. In 2020, the City received an application for Caltrans Parcel Group 3, which consists of a 28.61-acre site aggregated from combining seven separate parcels. The proposed project consists of development of 180 multi-family units affordable to low and very low-income households and an elementary charter school.