Goal CS-2: Provide exceptional police protection services to promote a safe and secure community.
The quality of the City’s Police Department and its relationship with the community has a direct impact on Hayward’s overall safety, security, and quality of life. This goal and its supporting policies are designed to enhance the services of the Hayward Police Department and to create stronger community partnerships. The policies address staffing levels, training, police facilities and equipment, and community relations.
The City shall promote community policing strategies that support community partnerships and problem-solving techniques that build public trust and proactively address public safety issues.
The City shall maintain and implement a Police Department Strategic Plan to:
· Set near-term goals for the Department in response to a dynamic and changing environment.
· Align police services with the community’s desires and expectations.
· Accurately assess the operational needs of the Police Department to best serve the Hayward community.
The City shall maintain optimum staffing levels for both sworn police officers and civilian support staff in order to provide quality police services to the community.
The City shall strive to arrive at the scene of Priority 1 Police Calls within 5 minutes of dispatch, 90 percent of the time.
The City shall ensure that Police equipment and facilities are provided and maintained to meet modern standards of safety, dependability, and efficiency.
The City shall maintain and implement a Police Department Facilities Master Plan that serves as the long-term plan for providing the Police Department with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, including police headquarters, police substations, training facilities, detention facilities, shooting ranges, and emergency operations centers.
The City shall ensure that Police officers have access to state-of-the-art training programs and professional development opportunities.
The City shall increase cross training among disciplines in the Police Department so that short-term personnel needs and service gaps can be filled by internal staff.
The City shall ensure that all officers receive comprehensive cultural competency training to better serve the needs of Hayward’s diverse population.
The City shall coordinate with local, State, and Federal law enforcement agencies to maintain mutual aid agreements and to promote local and regional cooperation in the delivery of law enforcement services to the city and the unincorporated areas within the City’s .
The City shall collaborate with local school districts to study and implement measures that enhance the security of schools and the safety of students, teachers, and administrators.
The City shall coordinate with the Alameda County District Attorney’s office to improve collaboration and communication between prosecutors and the Hayward Police Department.
The City shall consider the establishment of community facilities districts to ensure that new development does not constrain the City’s ability to provide adequate police services to the Hayward community.
The City shall consider the establishment of development impact fees to help fund Police Department operations.
The City shall consider the development of a comprehensive Police communication program to inform residents of crimes, investigations, and emergencies. Communication methods may include text messaging, social media postings, telephone and cellular phone messaging, television and radio alerts, and website postings.