Goal EDL-2: Enhance the performance and reputation of Hayward’spublic schools to improve student education and attract families and businesses to the Hayward community.
Improving Hayward’s schools and enriching the lives of Hayward’s youth is a major priority of the Hayward community. While the City does not have direct control over school administration or curriculum, this goal and its supporting policies strive to improve the performance andreputation of local schools by developing strategic partnerships and volunteer networks that support public schools. The policies in this section are focused on improving the academic test scores of public schools and improving the reputation of schools within Hayward. While test scores alone are not the sole indicator of a successful school, they are an important factor that influences whether or not families and businesses will choose to move to or stay within the Hayward community, and they help improve college acceptance rates for students. Goals 3 and 4 provide additional policies that address other important aspects of successful schools. Goal 3 contains policies related to upgrading and constructing new school facilities, andGoal 4 provides policies related to preparing students for college, vocational schools, and successful careers.
The City shall advocate for the pursuit of academic excellence and the use of research-validated best practices in public schools.
The City shall support school district efforts to expand research-validated professional development and coaching programs for teachers.
The City shall encourage local school districts to establish strategies to assist under-performing students and reduce the achievement gap (the educational performance gap between socio-economic groups). Strategies may include the establishment of specialized programs that provide customized instruction to small groups of students with similar learning profiles and needs.
The City shall encourage school districts to expand learning programs that take advantage of Hayward’s diversity, such as two-way bilingual immersion programs, cultural enrichment assemblies, and cultural arts programs.
The City shall maintain and further develop the library after-school tutoring programs by increasing the number of community partnerships, expanding the volunteer support network, and striving to expand library tutoring programs so that they are offered at each public school.
The City shall coordinate with local colleges to expand volunteer and reciprocal learning opportunities for college students at local schools, tutoring centers, home-work clubs, summer camps, and libraries.
The City shall coordinate with local school districts to evaluate the feasibility of developing supplemental training resources or study groups to help students prepare for school academic tests.
The City shall encourage parents and students to use online educational programs that reinforce classroom learning using a combination of animated lessons, interactive activities and worksheets, and other innovative teaching methods.
The City shall coordinate as an active partner in the Hayward Promise Neighborhood initiative and shall encourage the expansion of successful education strategies to other schools in Hayward.
The City shall coordinate with local school districts, colleges, and community organizations to pursue grant funding for programs designed to improve schools and State standardized test scores.
The City shall encourage local schools to maintain and further develop parent-involvement programs to increase parent participation in student education and to enhance school pride.
The City of Hayward shall recognize the achievements of schools (including students, school staff, volunteers, and parents) that successfully increase the educational achievement of students and improve State standardized test scores.
The City shall coordinate with the Hayward Chamber of Commerce to recognize and promote businesses that support local schools through volunteer programs and financial donations.
The City shall coordinate with local school districts, alumni networks, real estate professionals, and the business community to promote the positive achievements of local schools and to help change the perception and conversation about the quality of public schools in Hayward.