Goal EDL-3: Provide exceptional school facilities and learning environments that give students, parents, teachers, and administrators a strong sense of school and community pride.
Many Hayward schools have aging facilities that are in need of major renovations and reconstruction to comply with current seismic safety standards and building codes. Aging school facilities also discourage families and businesses from moving to Hayward, make it harder for school districts to recruit quality teachers and administrators, and reduce student enthusiasm and school pride. They can also create distracting environments that make it harder for students to focus and learn. This goal and its supporting policies strive to create exceptional school facilities that inspire students and foster a strong sense of school and community pride.
The City shall encourage school districts to renovate and/or reconstruct aging school facilities.
The City shall encourage local school districts to incorporate high performance design practices in school renovation and new construction projects to enhance student learning by creating comfortable and inspiring learning environments with proper lighting, air temperature, humidity, and noise levels.
The City shall encourage school districts to incorporate sustainable design practices in the construction and renovation of school facilities to reduce energy and water consumption and related utility expenses.
The City shall encourage school districts to construct multi-story schools to maximize the efficiency of available acreage for playgrounds, sports fields and courts, school gardens, and other recreational resources.
The City shall encourage school districts to provide high-quality recreation facilities to create school pride, reinforce the importance of physical activity and health, and to provide the community opportunities for joint-use of facilities during after-school hours.
The City shall support efforts to improve school facilities with cutting-edge technology, such as wireless networks, multimedia equipment, and laboratory space for science and technology programs.
The City of Hayward shall encourage closed school sites to be temporarily re-used as community centers, parks, and recreational facilities, which would allow the sites to transition back to schools if needed in the future.
The City shall coordinate with local school districts at the earliest possible opportunity to determine the need for new school sites and to identify potential locations.
The City shall encourage new schools on sites that are:
· Centrally located within the service area of the school;
· Located near established and/or planned public transit routes;
· Located away from heavy traffic, excessive noise, and incompatible land uses; and
· Accessible to an established and/or planned network of walkways, bicycle paths, or greenways that link the school with surrounding neighborhood.
The City shall support the efforts of local school districts to increase funding for school facility renovations and new construction.
The City shall coordinate with school districts to ensure that the impacts of new development are identified and mitigated through the payment of school impact fees in accordance with State law.