Goal HQL-4: Promote access to affordable health care and medical services for all residents.
Access to health care and preventative care is an important component of community health.A lack of access to health care can exacerbate chronic diseases such as heart disease or diabetes. Health insurance coverage is also strongly correlated with better health outcomes. Uninsured people generally receive much less care, either preventive or for acute and chronic conditions, thaninsured people.Policies in this section promote the expansion of health care facilities and services to meet the health needs of Hayward residents.
The City shall encourage the development and maintenance of a full range of health care facilities, including hospitals, acute care facilities, neighborhood health portals/clinics, and mental health facilities, to meet the needs of all residents.
The City shall work with transit service providers and healthcare providers to improve connections to local and regional health care facilitiesfor people who are transit-dependent.
The City shall prohibit the sale of cigarettes near schools.
The City shall encourage the co-location of health services at fire stations (as space allows) as a way to expand the geographic reach of primary health care.