Goal HQL-6: Create neighborhoods that enable residents to remain in their homes and live healthy, productive lives as they age.
Policies in this section support opportunities for Hayward residents to remain in their community as they age. Hayward’s senior population will continue to grow in the coming years as the current population ages. Rather than move to a new community, many seniors prefer to stay in their homes and their communities. Aging in place promotes self-sufficiency and preserves valuable social networks that support a higher quality of life for seniors. The current physical environment and provision of services can be improved to promote independence as resident’s age.
The City shall promote community health, safety, and neighborhood cohesiveness by supporting housing and neighborhood amenities that allow residents to age in place.
The City shall support local efforts of non-profit organizations to offer services modeled on the “villages” concept (a national model that supports aging-in-place by creating a non-profit organization that provides case-management services, resources, and assistance to aging seniors that wish to remain in their homes).
The City shall facilitate the development of a range of housing types, including affordable housing, multi-generational housing, independent living, and assisted living for Hayward seniors.
The City shall support efforts of seniors to maintain and renovate their homes by providing service assistance, grants, loans, and/or special concessions in permitting procedures to maintain or modify homes to meet needs of senior residents.
The City shall promote the use of Universal Design Principles in new construction and rehabilitation of housing to improve accessibility for seniors.
The City shall encourage the development of senior daytime care facilities in appropriate areas in the community.
The City shall support efforts to make public transit more accessible to seniors, and shall ensure that public transit services are provided at or near senior housing.
The City shall coordinate with the HARD to periodically assess entertainment and recreational opportunities for seniors to ensure that their needs are being met.