Goal LU-6: Enhance the Industrial Technology and Innovation Corridor to expand the economic and employment base of Hayward and to achieve a healthy balance between a manufacturing-based economy and an information- and technology-based economy.
The Industrial Technology and Innovation Corridor is a crescent-shaped corridor located along the western and southwestern edge of the City’s Urban Limit Line. Due to its centralized Bay Area location, freeway access, and relatively low land costs, the Industrial Technology and Innovation Corridor has attracted a variety of warehouse and distribution facilities, food manufacturing companies, bio-technology firms, and high technology businesses. As the main employment area of the city, the Corridor is an important economic asset that needs to be protected and enhanced. This goal and its supporting policies are designed to maintain and improve the Industrial Technology and Innovation Corridor and expand the economic and employment base of Hayward. The policies support land use changes that will help Hayward transition from a manufacturing-based economy to an information- and technology-based economy.
Supporting goals and policies related to the Industrial Technology and Innovation Corridor are provided in the Economic Development Element and Mobility Element. Additional policies related to the regulation of industrial uses that involve hazardous materials are provided under Goal HAZ-6 of the Hazards Element.
The City shall encourage employee-intensive uses, such as professional office, corporate campuses, research and development, traditional and specialized manufacturing, throughout the Industrial Technology and Innovation Corridor.
The City shall encourage the conversion of obsolete industrial and warehouse distribution space to a productive use, such as advanced manufacturing, professional office centers, corporate campuses, research and development parks, and flex space.
The City shall promote the consolidation of small and irregular shaped parcels within the Industrial Technology and Innovation Corridor to improve the economic feasibility of development projects.
The City shall encourage incidental commercial uses that support employees and businesses within the Industrial Technology and Innovation Corridor, such as restaurants, business services, business hotels, gas stations, and similar uses.
The City shall protect the Industrial Technology and Innovation Corridor from the encroachment of uses that would impair industrial operations or create future land use conflicts.
The City shall encourage property owners to upgrade existing buildings, site facilities, and landscaped areas to improve the economic viability of properties and to enhance the visual character of the Industrial Technology and Innovation Corridor.
The City shall encourage developments within the Industrial Technology and Innovation Corridor to incorporate the following design strategies:
• Provide attractive on-site landscaping and shade trees along street frontages and within employee and visitor parking lots.
• Screen areas used for outdoor storage, processing, shipping and receiving, and other industrial operations with a combination of landscaping and decorative fences or walls.
• Encourage consistent architectural facade treatments on all sides of buildings.
• Screen roof-top equipment with roof parapets.
• Design shipping and receiving areas and driveways to accommodate the turning movements of large trucks.
• Develop coordinated and well-designed signage for tenant identification and way-finding.
• Incorporate attractive building and site lighting to prevent dark pockets on the site.
• Provide pedestrian walkways to connect building entrances to sidewalks.
• Use landscaped buffers with trees and attractive sound walls to screen adjacent residential areas and other sensitive uses.
The City shall encourage the provision of employee-serving amenities for major employment uses within the Industrial Technology and Innovation Corridor, such as courtyards and plazas, outdoor seating areas, fitness facilities, bicycle storage areas, and showers.
The City shall encourage the creation of an assessment district or other funding mechanisms to implement streetscape improvements and enhanced transit or shuttle service within the Industrial Technology and Innovation Corridor.