Goal LU-9: Provide quality public and quasi-public uses that benefit residents and businesses and enhance the city’s overall quality of life and economic viability.
Hayward has a variety of public and quasi-public uses, including government facilities, college campuses, medical centers, and a municipal airport. This goal and its supporting policies are designed to ensure that public and quasi-public land uses enhance the quality of life of residents and meet the service needs of the community. Policies encourage public and quasi-public uses to be designed and operated in a manner that is compatible with surrounding properties.
Similar policies that are related to medical centers, parks and recreation, and senior care facilities are provided in the Health and Quality of Life Element.
The City shall ensure that all City-owned facilities are designed to be compatible in scale, mass, and character with the neighborhood, district, or corridor in which they are located.
The City shall coordinate with school districts, park districts, utility providers, and other government agencies that are exempt from local land use controls to encourage facility designs that are compatible in scale, mass, and character with the neighborhood, district, or corridor in which they are located.
The City shall coordinate with the owners of existing and planned medical centers to encourage site development or redevelopment in a manner that is compatible with surrounding areas.
The City shall encourage the expansion and enhancement of the Alameda County Government Center area on Winton Avenue to increase employment opportunities and provide additional services and amenities to employees and residents.
The City shall coordinate with California State University, East Bay to encourage campus development that:
• Maintains compatibility with adjacent residential areas,
• Improves access routes to the campus,
• Protects sensitive habitat and steep slopes as open space,
• Provides additional student and faculty housing and services on campus,
• Supports the City’s economic development policies and programs,
• Enhances opportunities for students, residents, and visitors to experience arts, culture, recreation, and entertainment, and
• Promotes sustainable design and maintenance practices.
The City shall coordinate with Chabot College to encourage campus development that maintains compatibility with adjacent residential areas, promotes sustainable design and maintenance practices, and mitigates neighborhood compatibility issues, such as student parking on city streets.
The City shall maintain and implement an airport master plan to guide the long-term development of the Hayward Municipal Airport.
The City shall encourage the co-location of public and quasi-public uses within commercial and mixed-use developments.