
Goal M-10: Develop the airport to meet projected airside and landside facilities needs and improve the overall efficiency of operations as a reliever airport.

The Hayward Executive is owned and operated by the City of Hayward. It is a reliever airport serving smaller jets and general aviation operations. The function of a reliever airport is to reduce the aircraft mix at a commercial service primary airport and provide less congested airport for smaller jet and general aviation operations. The Master Plan (2002) for the Hayward Executive lays out the future development of the airport to meet projected airside and landside facilities needs and improve the airport’s overall efficiency of operation. 

Policies in this section support general aviation while encouraging compatibility with adjacent properties. 

Policies related to airport compatibility and safety and aircraft noise are provided in the Hazards Element. 

The City shall maintain and implement the Master Plan and the Layout Plan.

City Master Plans, Strategies, and Programs (MPSP)

The City shall ensure uses surrounding the Hayward Executive are compatible with existing and planned airport operations and comply with all applicable federal statutes (including 49 U.S.C. 47107), federal regulations (including 14 Code of Federal Regulations 77 et seq.), the FAA’s Compliance Manual, FAA Advisory Circulars and other forms of written guidance, and State law, with respect to criteria related to land use safety and airspace protection.

Regulation and Development Review (RDR)City Master Plans, Strategies, and Programs (MPSP)