
Goal M-12: Maintain sufficient funding to provide for existing and future transportation facility and service needs, including the operation and maintenance of the transportation system.

Policies in this section support the identification and pursuit of sufficient funds to construct, maintain, manage, and operate a multimodal transportation system. Transportation funding sources include federal funds with the passage of MAP-21 as well as state, regional, and local funds. 

The City shall identify, develop, and prioritize transportation projects to compete for Federal and State funds for freeway, highway, transit, bicycle and pedestrian improvements.

City Master Plans, Strategies, and Programs (MPSP)Financing and Budgeting (FB)

The City shall continue to seek funding through regional and county measures for transportation improvements.

Financing and Budgeting (FB)

The City shall continue to use local financing mechanisms, such as Measure B, gas tax and the Vehicle Registration Fee, to help fund transportation projects.

Financing and Budgeting (FB)

The City shall identify and pursue all available funding for alternative modes of transportation.

Financing and Budgeting (FB)