Goal M-3: Provide complete streets that balance the diverse needs of users of the public right-of-way.
“Complete streets” are streets designed and constructed to serve all users of streets, roads, and highways, regardless of their age or ability, or whether they are driving, walking, bicycling, or taking transit. Careful planning and coordinated development of complete streets infrastructure can provide long-term cost savings for the City by reducing road construction, repair and maintenance costs and expanding the tax base; it can improve public health by encouraging active lifestyles and improving roadway safety; it can provide economic benefits to property owners and businesses; and it can decreases pollution. In 2013 the City adopted a Complete Streets Policy, which implements the California Complete Streets Act (AB 1358, 2008) and requirements adopted by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (Resolution 4035) and Alameda County Transportation Commission (Master Program Funding Agreement) that require the development complete streets in order receive transportation infrastructure funding.
Policies in this section, as well as the goals and policies in other sections of this Mobility Element, support the City’s Complete Streets Policy through the development of a well-balanced, connected, safe, and convenient network of complete streets that are designed and constructed to serve all modes (e.g., driving, walking, bicycling, or taking transit) and all users, regardless of their age or ability. Policies also seek to connect, balance, and prioritize transportation modes based on surrounding uses, activities, and right-of-way allowances; integrate different types of facilities into existing streets to make them more complete; and plan and design new streets to create complete streets.
The City shall provide safe, comfortable, and convenient travel along and across streets to serve all users, including pedestrians, the disabled, bicyclists, and motorists, movers of commercial goods, and users and operators of public transportation.
The City shall consider the needs of transit riders, pedestrians, people in wheelchairs, cyclists, and others in long-range planning and street design.
The City shall balance the needs of all travel modes when planning transportation improvements and managing transportation use in the public right-of-way.
The City shall continue to work towards making complete streets practices (e.g., considering and accommodating all users and all modes within the appropriate context) a routine part of everyday transportation decision-making.
The City shall incorporate appropriate complete streets infrastructure into transportation planning, funding, design, approval, and implementation processes and projects.
The City shall consider the land use and urban design context of adjacent properties in both residential and business districts as well as urban, suburban, and rural areas when designing complete streets.
The City shall consider the needs of all transportation users in the review of development proposals to ensure on-site and off-site transportation facility improvements complement existing and planned land uses.
The City shall ensure that new commercial and residential development projects provide frequent and direct connections to the nearest bikeways, pedestrian ways, and transit facilities.
The City shall encourage large private developments (e.g., office parks, apartment complexes, retail centers) to provide internal complete streets that connect to the existing public roadway system and provide a seamless transition to existing and planned transportation facilities.
The City shall develop safe and convenient bikeways and pedestrian crossings that reduce conflicts between pedestrians, bicyclists, and motor vehicles on streets, multi-use trails, and sidewalks.
The City shall ensure that all new roadway projects and major reconstruction projects provide for the development of an adequate street tree canopy.
The City shall continue to implement the Americans with Disabilities Act when designing, constructing, or improving transportation facilities.