Goal NR-8: Enhance, preserve, and increase the aesthetic qualities of Hayward’s undisturbed natural hillsides and shoreline, and designated scenic transportation corridors.
Views of natural topography, open grassland vegetation, rolling hills, and the Bay shoreline make up the prominent elements of Hayward’s scenic landscape. While the city is largely urban, with a relatively dense development pattern that can restrict scenic views, higher elevations in the hills and portions of the shoreline provide scenic vistas of the San Francisco Bay and views to the East Bay hills. These natural scenic resources are a sense of pride for the community and a major attraction for visitors that need to be protected. In addition, there are three freeways in the Planning Area which have a County scenic highway designation: I-580, I-880, and SR 92. The goal and policies in this section focus on protecting and enhancing valuable scenic resources, hillsides, the Bay shoreline, and designated scenic corridors.
Similar policies related to protecting scenic views of historical resources and hillside areas are provided under Goal LU-8 and LU-7, respectively, of the Land Use and Community Character Element.
The City shall regulate the design of streets, sidewalks, cluster home development, architecture, site design, grading, landscaping, utilities, and signage in hillside areas to protect aesthetics, natural topography, and views of surrounding open space through the continued Hillside Design and / Interface Guidelines.
The City shall require low-impact site grading, soils repair, foundation design, and other construction methods to be used on new residential structures and roadways above 250 feet in elevation to protect aesthetics, natural topography, and views of hillsides and surrounding open space.
The City shall protect the visual characteristics of transportation corridors that are officially designated as having unique or outstanding scenic qualities, including portions of I-580, I-880, and SR 92.
The City shall maintain and implement residential and non-residential design guidelines in order to protect existing views of the Bay shoreline.