Goal 3 Provide Adequate Sites for a Variety of Housing Types

Goal H-3: Provide suitable sites for housing development that can accommodate a range of housing by type, size, location, price, and tenure.

A major part of meeting the housing needs of all segments of the community is the provision of adequate sites to facilitate the development of all types, sizes, and prices of housing. Persons and households of different ages, types, incomes, and lifestyles have a variety of housing needs and preferences that evolve over time and in response to changing life circumstances. Providing an adequate supply and diversity of housing accommodates changing housing needs of residents. The Hayward General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and various design/concept plans establish where and what types of housing may locate in the city. To provide adequate housing and maximize use of limited land resources, new development should be constructed at appropriate densities that maximize the intended use of the land.

The City shall implement land use policies that allow for a range of residential densities and housing types, prices, ownership, and size, including low-density single family uses, moderate-density townhomes, and higher-density apartments, condominiums, transit-oriented developments, live-work units, and units in mixed-use developments.

Regulation and Development Review (RDR)

The City shall encourage transit-oriented developments that take advantage of the City’s convenient availability of transit.

City Master Plans, Strategies, and Programs (MPSP)

The City shall improve affordability by promoting sustainable housing practices that incorporate a ‘whole system’ approach to siting, designing, and constructing housing that is integrated into the building site, consumes less water and improves water quality, reduces the use of energy use, and other resources, and minimizes its impact on the surrounding environment.

City Master Plans, Strategies, and Programs (MPSP)

The City shall encourage development of residential uses close to employment, recreational facilities, schools, neighborhood commercial areas, and transportation routes.

Regulation and Development Review (RDR)

The City shall encourage compatible residential development in areas with underutilized land.

Regulation and Development Review (RDR)

The City shall allow flexibility within the City’s standards and regulations to encourage a variety of housing types.

Regulation and Development Review (RDR)

The City shall continue to seek new sources of financing for necessary infrastructure improvements for new development to facilitate new housing development.

Financing and Budgeting (FB)

The City shall facilitate lot consolidation to encourage the development of housing for lower-income households on infill sites.

Regulation and Development Review (RDR)

The City shall support innovative strategies for the adaptive reuse of residential, commercial, and industrial buildings to provide for a variety of housing types and residential uses.

Regulation and Development Review (RDR)

Consistent with Government Code Section 65863, the City shall consider the impacts of rezoning and general plan amendments of residential sites on the City’s ability to meet its share of the regional housing need.

Regulation and Development Review (RDR)