Goal 4 Wastewater Collection and Disposal

Goal PFS-4: Maintain a level of service in the City's wastewater collection and disposal system to meet the needs of existing and future development.

The City of Hayward owns and operates the wastewater collection and treatment system that serves almost all of the residential, commercial, and industrial users within the incorporated city limits, and limited portions of the adjacent unincorporated areas of Alameda County by contract.  The City has separate sewage and storm water collection systems.  The Hayward collection system includes about 320 miles of sewer mains, nine sewage lift stations, and 4.2 miles of force mains and treatment occurs at the City’s Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF). The East Bay Dischargers Authority disposes of the treated wastewater from the city. The Oro Loma Sanitary District (OLSD) provides services to a small area in the northern portion of the City, as well as the community of Fairview, which is part of Hayward’s Planning area. 

Policies in this section provide for reliable sewer service for all residents and businesses through a cooperative effort using the City’s wastewater collection and treatment system, Oro Loma Utility District facilities, and disposal service fromthe East Bay Dischargers Authority. Wastewater outflows will be minimized and capacity will be developed and maintained to improve sewer flows in areas where services are or will soon be deficient and to handle additional sewer flows from new development. Wastewater policies will also be implemented by the City to ensure sufficient treatment capacity and reliability of the Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF).

The City shall maintain and implement the Sewer Collection System Master Plan.

City Master Plans, Strategies, and Programs (MPSP)

The City shall maintain and implement the Water Pollution Control Facility Master Plan.

City Master Plans, Strategies, and Programs (MPSP)

The City shall operate and maintain the sewer collection system to minimize the potential for sewer system overflows. 

City Master Plans, Strategies, and Programs (MPSP)City Services and Operations (CSO)

The City shall operate and maintain the WPCF to ensure that wastewater discharge meets all applicable NPDES permit provisions.

City Master Plans, Strategies, and Programs (MPSP)City Services and Operations (CSO)

The City shall work with the Oro Loma Sanitary District to provide adequate wastewater service to areas in the not served by the City.

Inter-governmental Coordination (IGC)

The City shall strive to adopt innovative and efficient wastewater treatment technologies that are environmentally-sound.

City Master Plans, Strategies, and Programs (MPSP)

The City shall develop and implement a plan to repair or replace underperforming wastewater facilities serving the community to remove excessive infiltration/inflow.

City Master Plans, Strategies, and Programs (MPSP)City Services and Operations (CSO)

The City shall continue to improve the seismic safety of it sewer collection and treatment facilities.

City Master Plans, Strategies, and Programs (MPSP)City Services and Operations (CSO)

The City shall ensure the provision of adequate wastewater service to all new development, before new developments are approved, and support the extension of wastewater service to existing developed areas where this service is lacking.

City Master Plans, Strategies, and Programs (MPSP)City Services and Operations (CSO)

The City shall work with the East Bay rs Authority to properly dispose of treated wastewater consistent with State and Federal laws.

City Master Plans, Strategies, and Programs (MPSP)City Services and Operations (CSO)Inter-governmental Coordination (IGC)

The City shall enforce appropriate industrial pre-treatment standards and source control to prevent materials prohibited by Federal and State regulations from entering the wastewater system and to ensure compliance with the City’s local discharge limits.  The City shall work with the business community to  maintain and implement programs to ensure compliance with all Federal, State and local discharge requirements.

Regulation and Development Review (RDR)Inter-governmental Coordination (IGC)Joint Partnerships with the Private Sector (JP)

The City shall support efforts to develop, enhance, and maintain clean, green and renewable energy systems at the Water Pollution Control Facility, including:

·         Solar photovoltaic and solar hot water; and

·         Methane recovery systems and digester gas combustion systems.

Inter-governmental Coordination (IGC)