Goal HAZ-1: Promote a disaster-resilient region by reducing hazard risks through regional coordination and mitigation planning.
The impacts of disasters are rarely confined to the limits of a single jurisdiction, and almost always affect multiple agencies within a region. As a result, the Federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 encourages cooperation between State, regional, and local agencies, prompting them to work together to mitigate hazards. This goal and its supporting policies are designed to promote a disaster-resilient region through regional coordination and mitigation planning. This is accomplished by implementing a Multi-Jurisdictional Hazards Mitigation Plan, a comprehensive plan that addresses hazards at the regional and local level. By participating in regional and local hazards mitigation, the City will minimize disaster risks and improve the safety of the Hayward community.
The City shall coordinate with regional and local agencies to implement the Multi-Jurisdictional Local Hazards Mitigation Plan for the San Francisco Bay Area.
The City shall monitor and evaluate the success of the Multi-Jurisdictional Local Hazards Mitigation Plan, including the local strategies provided in the Hayward Annex. The City shall ensure that strategies are prioritized and implemented through the Capital Improvement Program and by providing adequate budget for on-going programs and Department operations.
The City shall support the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) in its role as the lead agency that prepares and updates the Multi-Jurisdictional Local Hazards Mitigation Plan. If ABAG cannot fulfill this role in the future, the City shall coordinate with Alameda County and other local agencies to encourage the development and implementation of a new Multi-Jurisdictional Local Hazards Mitigation Plan.