Businesses and residents in Hayward are supported by a variety of public facilities and services. To sustain existing households and businesses and to accommodate future population and employment growth, water, wastewater, stormwater drainage, flood control, solid waste, energy, and telecommunications infrastructure will need to be improved, expanded, and maintained. Obtaining adequate funding for infrastructure and public facilities is also a key challenge and priority for the City of Hayward.
The Public Facilities and Services Element establishes goals and policies to guide the overall provision of public facilities and services in Hayward. The goals and policies address general public facilities and services, efficient municipal operations, water distribution, wastewater collection and disposal, stormwater drainage, flood control infrastructure, solid waste and recycling, energy utilities, and telecommunications. A number of the goals and policies also serve as Climate Action Plan actions, which are designed to reduce local greenhouse gas emissions.
The Public Facilities and Services Element contains goals and policies that indirectly and directly support other elements of the General Plan, including the Land Use and Community Character Element, the Economic Development Element, and the Health and Quality of Life Element.