Goal M-11: Balance the safe and efficient movement of goods with local access and circulation needs.
Goods movement in Hayward is provided primarily by trucks using Interstate and State highways to deliver goods from the port of Oakland to city residences and businesses. The City has a designated truck route system made up of freeways, state routes and other major streets within the city roadway network. The trucking system is supplemented by railroad networks and aviation facilities. Union Pacific (UP) has three rail lines that run through the city. The UP‘s Coast subdivision (Mulford Line) runs between the Bay and Interstate 880 through the entire length of Hayward serving freight as well as the Amtrak Coast Starlight long distance passenger train. The City’s Hayward Executive Airport provides air freight service.
Policies in this section support the movement of goods via trucks, rail, and air transportation to promote economic vitality, while addressing impacts of rail and truck operations on residential neighborhoods.
The City shall provide a efficient transportation system for the movement of goods and services through and within Hayward, while meeting the safety and mobility needs of all roadway users.
The City shall require trucks to use designated routes and shall prohibit trucks on local streets to address traffic operations and safety concerns in residential neighborhoods.
The City shall prohibit overnight and other specified truck parking activities in residential areas.
The City shall coordinate with the California Public Utilities Commission to address safety concerns and conflicts at at-grade rail crossings.