Goal HAZ-4: Safeguard the Hayward shoreline, open space, recreational resources, and urban uses from flooding due to rising sea levels.
Sea levels are projected to rise by at least 55 inches over the next century. As sea levels rise, the Hayward shoreline, as well as industrial, commercial, and residential areas along creeks and drainage ways, will become more and more vulnerable to water inundation during both normal high tides and flooding during major storm events. If unmitigated, rising sea levels have the potential to inundate the open space and recreational resources along the shoreline, and flood nearby industrial, commercial, and residential areas. This goal and its supporting policies are designed to protect the Hayward shoreline and adjacent urban uses from the impacts of rising sea levels.
Policies related to climate change and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions are provided in the Natural Resources Element and Mobility Element.
The City shall monitor information from regional, State, and Federal agencies on rising sea levels in the San Francisco Bay to determine if additional adaptation strategies should be implemented to address flooding hazards.
The City shall continue to participate in the Adapting to Rising Tides Project to develop adaptation strategies that protect the Hayward shoreline and enhance the community’s overall resilience to rising sea levels.
The City shall coordinate with the Hayward Area Shoreline Planning Agency, the Bay Conservation Development Commission, and other agencies involved in the Adapting to Rising Tides Project to develop and implement a Regional Shore Realignment Master Plan. The Master Plan shall identify:
· A preferred long-term strategy and implementation program to protect the regional shoreline.
· Interim standards to regulate development within potentially affected areas if sea levels rise prior to the construction of shoreline protection projects.
· Potential flood mitigation measures to apply to development projects within potentially affected areas.
The City shall strive to provide updated Insurance Rate Maps that reflect rising sea levels and changing flood conditions.
The City shall require that all new development within areas subject to future flooding as a result of rising sea levels provide future residents and property owners with deed notices upon transfer of title concerning rising sea levels and flooding.