Goal HAZ-7: Minimize exposure to safety hazards associated with aircraft using the Hayward Executive Airport.
The Hayward Executive Airport is designated as a General Aviation Reliever Airport located in northwest Hayward. The airport is owned and operated by the City of Hayward. A variety of aircraft, including single and twin-engine airplanes, corporate jets, and helicopters, use the airport on a daily basis. Commercial, industrial, residential, and recreational properties near the airport could be exposed to aviation-related accidents and related hazards. This goal and its supporting policies are designed to minimize this exposure. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has the sole authority to regulate aviation activities in the United States, including the certification of aircraft and pilots. The City of Hayward’s role is to maintain and operate the airport and regulate land uses in the vicinity of the airport. Related policies that address airport noise are provided under Goal HAZ-8.
The City shall consider all applicable federal statutes (including 49 U.S.C. 47107), federal regulations (including 14 Code of Federal Regulations 77 et seq.), the FAA’s Airport Compliance Manual, FAA Advisory Circulars and other forms of written guidance, and State law, with respect to criteria related to land use safety and airspace protection when evaluating development applications within the Airport Influence Area of the Hayward Executive Airport. [Source: New Policy, City Staff]
The City shall require all development projects within the Airport Influence Area designated in the Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan of the Hayward Executive Airport to comply with all applicable federal statutes (including 49 U.S.C. 47107), federal regulations (including 14 Code of Federal Regulations 77 et seq.), the FAA’s Airport Compliance Manual, FAA Advisory Circulars and other forms of written guidance, and State law, with respect to criteria related to land use safety and airspace protection. [Source: New Policy, City Staff]
The City shall ensure that all applicable plans, ordinances, and development applications are reviewed by the Alameda County Airport Land Use Commission if required by State law. [Source: New Policy, City Staff]