Goal HQL-3: Expand year-round access to affordable, fresh, and healthy foods throughout the city.
A healthy, varied diet is a critical component to a healthy life.Several factorsdetermine what people choose to eat, but access is a major factor.Studies have found that people buy food that isreadily available. Today, communitieswith the highest rates of obesity are typically placeswhere residents have few opportunities to convenientlypurchase nutritiousfood.A healthy, nutritious diet can reduce the risk of obesity and associated chronic diseases,directly improving one’s health and well-being andminimizing health care costs for local governments.While food is a personal choice, the City of Hayward recognizes the need to create an environment in which all residents have access to affordable and healthy food. Policies in this section promote healthy eating habits in Hayward by increasing access to farmers’ markets, community gardens, and other sources of healthy food; promoting nutrition education; and limiting sources of unhealthy food.
The City shall strive to ensure that all residents are within walking distance of sources of fresh and healthy foods (e.g., grocery stores, healthy corner stores, farmers’ markets, and community gardens).
The City shall support and consider incentives to encourage the development of new retail venues that sell local, fresh produce, including farmers’ markets, community-supported agriculture programs, and grocery stores, especially in underserved areas and near schools.
The City shall use incentives or other programs to encourage existing small grocery or convenience stores to offer and promote healthy food options, with a focus on underserved areas and areas near schools.
The City shall strive to increase the number of farmers’ markets throughout the city and frequency in which they occur by encouraging partnerships between organizers of farmers’ markets and the Hayward Unified School District, neighborhood groups, senior facilities, and business groups.
The City, in cooperation with HARD and other community groups, shall strive to establish community gardens in existing and planned parks, and vacant lots.
The City shall encourage all new multi-family housing developments to contain designated areas or other shared spaces for community gardens and shall count community gardens toward the common open space requirement.
The City shall support programs (e.g., Alameda County Office of Education Project EAT) that provide school gardens and garden-based nutrition education and cooking classes for students, parents, and community members.
The City shall discourage new liquor stores and fast food restaurants near schools and in areas with an existing high concentration of such stores.