
Goal M-6: Create and maintain a safe, comprehensive, and integrated bicycle system and support facilities throughout the city that encourage bicycling that is accessible to all.

The city is served by a network of designated bicycle facilities including on-street facilities and regional recreational trails. Combined with good transit service, temperate weather, and relatively flat topography, bicycling in Hayward is an effective transportation and recreation option. Bicycle activity and purpose differ by geographic General Plan Policy Document Mobility areas in Hayward with more utilitarian bicycle trips occurring on on-street bikeways in the flatlands, while recreational bicyclists use the Bayland trails and experienced cyclists climb the steeper roads and trails in the Hill Area. While bicyclists are permitted on all roads (with the exception of access-controlled freeways), the City recognizes that certain roadways provide more optimal routes for bicyclists, for reasons such as directness or access to key destinations. 

Policies in this section support an increase in trips taken by bicycling and implementation of the Hayward Bicycle Master Plan. The Hayward Bicycle Master Plan sets forth detailed goals and objectives and identifies existing and recommended facilities for providing the opportunity to travel by bicycle as an alternative mode of transportation and recreation for physical, environmental and social benefits. With its location in the central Alameda County, bikeways in Hayward are also a key part of the countywide and regional bikeway network. The construction of a comprehensive citywide bikeway network, support facilities such as convenient and secure bicycle parking, and an educated driving public will help facilitate increased bicycling. 

The City shall maintain and implement the Hayward Bicycle Master Plan.

City Master Plans, Strategies, and Programs (MPSP)

The City shall encourage bicycle use in all neighborhoods, especially where short trips are most common.

Public Information (PI)

The City shall provide bikeway facilities that are appropriate to the street classifications and type, traffic volume, and speed on all right-of-ways.

City Master Plans, Strategies, and Programs (MPSP)

The City shall encourage AC Transit and BART to expand access to cyclists, including providing bike racks on buses and trains and secure bicycle parking at transit stations and stops.

Inter-governmental Coordination (IGC)

The City shall ensure that new commercial and residential development projects provide frequent and direct connections to the nearest bikeways and do not interfere with existing and proposed bicycle facilities.

Regulation and Development Review (RDR)

The City shall support infrastructure and programs that encourage children to bike safely to school.

City Master Plans, Strategies, and Programs (MPSP)City Services and Operations (CSO)

The City shall convert underused rights-of-way along travel lanes, drainage canals, and railroad corridors to bikeways wherever desirable and financially feasible.

City Master Plans, Strategies, and Programs (MPSP)City Services and Operations (CSO)

The City shall encourage bicycling by providing wayfinding and signage that directs bicyclists to bike routes and to civic places, cultural amenities, and visitor and recreational destinations.

City Master Plans, Strategies, and Programs (MPSP)