Goal HQL-2: Create convenient and safe opportunities to incorporate physical activity intothe everyday activities of residents, employees, and visitors.
The design of the built environment has a significant impact on the opportunities residents have to live active and healthy lifestyles. Neighborhoods that have a diverse mix of land uses can help reduce vehicle miles traveled and increase walking and bicycling. In general, walking and biking to destinations can provide an increase in physical fitness, social cohesion, and actual and perceived public safety. Studies have shown that residents living in communities with a mix of shops and businesses within easy walking distance have a lower risk of obesity than residents of communities that do not have these services within easy walking distance. Policies in this section promote active livingthrough alternative transportation options, a well-designed built environment that encourages walking and biking, improved park access, and actions that encourage physical activity.
Policies in several other General Plan Elements also support active living. Policies in the Mobility Element and Land Use and Community Character Element seek to create complete and walkable neighborhoods and improve bicycle and pedestrian facilities and transit access.Policies in the Community Safety Element support safe public spaces through law enforcement and community policing.
The City shall support new developments or infrastructure improvements in existing neighborhoods that enable people to drive less and walk, bike, or take public transit more.
The City shall remove or plan for ways to address physical barriers that bisect neighborhoods and discourage walking or biking.
The City shall partner with schools, employers, transit agencies, HARD, and community groups to teach bicycle and pedestrian safety in schools and workplaces and to educate residents and businesses about the health and environmental benefits of walking, bicycling, and using public transit.<em>
The City shall strive to reduce bicycle theft through well designed bicycle parking facilities that are located in secure locations with high visibility.
The City shall support the Alameda County Safe Routes to School and other similar programs that promote walking and biking to and from school for children and parents.
The City shall support local and regional programs that educate and inform motorists to be aware of non-vehicle roadway users to promote overall safety of multi-modal streets (i.e. pavement markings, roadway signage, and educational brochures).