Goal HQL-7: Protect residents from the harmful effects of pollution, toxic substances, and environmental contaminants.
Environmental health is a significant component of public health. Environmental health concerns include air pollutants, contaminated land or water, and exposure to toxic substances in everyday household items. The policies in this section seek to reduce or eliminate environmental health risks through efforts to protect air and water quality and eliminate toxic substances in the home, workplace, and public spaces.
Several policies in the Natural Resources Element also support environmental health by supporting improved water and air quality, and policies in the Hazards Element address the safe handling of hazardous materials.
The City shall support sustainability practices that promote clean water, healthy soils, and healthy ecosystems.
The City shall reduce or eliminate, as feasible, the use of pesticides and herbicides that negatively impact human health on City properties, especially in parks and publicly accessible open spaces.
The City shall encourage and educate residents, non-profits, and businesses to implement integrated pest management principles, reduce or discontinue the use of pesticides, herbicides, and toxic cleaning substances.
The City shall use green and non-toxic cleaning supplies in all public buildings, and shall encourage schools, hospitals, non-profits, and local business to use green and non-toxic cleaning supplies.
The City shall avoid locating new sensitive uses such as schools, childcare centers, and senior housing, to the extent feasible, in proximity to sources of pollution, odors, or near existing businesses that handle toxic materials. Where such uses are located in proximity to sources of air pollution, odors, or toxic materials, the City shall encourage building design, construction safeguards, and technological techniques to mitigate the negative impacts of hazardous materials and/or air pollution on indoor air quality.
The City shall partner with the Alameda County Public Health Department, the Healthy Homes Department of the County Community Development Agency, and other relevant organizations to provide education and technical assistance in reducing mold and lead hazards in homes.